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(JESUITS.) [Tosetti, Urbano.]

Reflexiones sobre el memorial presentado á la

Santidad de Clemente XIII, por el General de los Jesuitas.

112, 118, [1], [12], 103

pages. 3 volumes in one. 4to, contemporary vellum, moderate wear; foxing, inked name on

title page, tear to leaf H2; Jorge Cabral Texo bookplate on front pastedown.

Barcelona: Piferrer, 1768-69


Later edition, translated from the original Italian. Bound with “Continuacion del apendice a la

reflexiones del portugués sobre el memorial” and “Istruccion a los Principes, sobre la politica de

los padres Jesuitas,” but not the usual “Apendice de las reflexiones.” Palau 253265, 253567,



—another edition of Reflexiones sobre el memorial. Small 8vo, contemporary

vellum; worming, restoration to title page. Palau 253264. Madrid: Ibarra, 1768.



Traslado del menologio de varones illustres de la Compañia de


[8], 166, [8], [1] pages. 4to, contemporary vellum, minor wear; moderate dampstain-

ing, duplicate title page bound in at end.

Madrid, 1729


Includes numerous biographies of missionaries in America”—European Americana 729/207.

Medina, BHA 2769; Palau 339169. 2 copies in OCLC, and none known at auction.



Group of 5 works in Spanish on the Jesuits of Latin America.


volumes, various sizes, bindings, and conditions.

Vp, 1773-1848


Breve de nuestro muy Santo Padre Clemente XIV por el qual su santidad suprime, deroga, y

extingue el instituto y orden de los clérigos regulares, denominados de la Compañía de Jesus,

que ha sido presentado en el consejo para su publicacion. Madrid, 1773 * The same title,

Barcelona, 1773 * Crétineau-Joly. Historia religiosa, política y literaria de la Compañía de

Jesus. 5 volumes. Madrid, 1845-46 * Crétineau-Joly. Clemente XIV y los Jesuitas, o sea

historia de la destrucción de los Jesuitas. Madrid, 1848 * Observaciones sobre la conducta, que ha

tenido el Ministro de Portugal en los negocios de los Jesuitas. Np, nd.



Diario de las discusiones y actas de las cortes.

Volumes 1-20 (of 23),

with the first two bound together. 4to, contemporary tree calf, moderate wear; worming in

some volumes, Volume XVII lacking first 48 pages; signatures of M. Molina on title pages.

Not collated.

Cádiz, 1810-13


Bound with the original 1810 prospectus in Volume I. Palau 71917.


(LAW.) Morelli, Cyriacus [Domingo Muriel].

Fasti novi orbis et ordinationum

apostolicarum ad Indias pertinentium breviarium.

viii, 317, 337-642, [2] pages. 4to,

contemporary tree calf, minor wear; minor foxing, minor dampstaining to a few leaves.

With half-title and errata leaf.

Venice: Zatta, 1776


A compilation of papal and royal decrees relating to the Church in the Americas from the 15th

century onward, gathered by a Jesuit who had been posted in South America. Medina, BHA

V:4754; Palau 186115; Sabin 51445.


—the same author’s Rudimenta juris naturae

et gentium libri duo. iv, 388 pages. 4to, contemporary vellum, moderate wear; moderate damp-

staining. Palau 186116. Venice, 1791.