Swann Galleries - Rare & Important Travel Posters - Sale 2326 - October 18, 2013 - page 96

JEAN CARLU (1900-1997)
42x29 inches, 107x75 cm. Editions d’Art Robert Lang, Paris.
Condition B: extensive overpainting and restoration in margins; repaired tears and restoration in image.
Jean Carlu was born in France into a family of architects, and had originally planned on entering that
profession. However, the loss of his arm at the age of eighteen caused him to turn to the world of
graphic design. From 1925 to 1930, Carlu was at the peak of his creativity and designed what are still
considered to be his best posters. During this period, Carlu’s work was influenced by the spatial
nuances, angles and abstracted forms of Cubism. This aquatic vision from the depths of the ocean is
a true masterpiece of design and lithography. In a hyper-stylized form, Carlu superimposes the shapes
of a scorpion fish, a sunfish and an eel to promote the new aquarium in Monaco. Carlu 12, Timeless
Images 108, Weill 353.
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