Freedom North. A publication of Northern Student Movement. Vol. 1.
No. 1.
Booklet is soft covered. 18 pages in length.
Harlem circa 1963
The Northern Student Movement was a civil rights organization founded by Peter J. Countryman.
March on Trenton for Jobs and Freedom. Red Bank Area
Branch NAACP.
Poster on heavy card stock, 28
x 22 inches.
[New Jersey, circa 1964]
MINNIS JACK. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
A Chronology
of Violence and Intimidation in Mississippi Since 1961.
Illustrated. 19 pages. Small
folio, pictorial wrappers, stapled; lightly rubbed.
Los Angeles: Friends of SNCC, 1964
Research was done originally by Jack Minnis and published in the Congressional Record, 4 April,
1963. A detailed record of the terrible violence in rural Mississippi during the early years of the civil
rights struggle. “February 6, 1962, Clarksdale, Coahoma County: Miss Bessie Turner, 19 a Negro
was walking with a young man down a Clarksdale street when Clarksdale police officers stopped
them and accused Miss Turner of having been involved in a theft.” Miss Turner said she was taken to
jail where she was forced to unclothe and lie on her back . . . one of the policemen beat her between the
legs with his belt.” Pages and pages of similar horrific incidents.