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(MEXICO—1599.) Baptista, Juan.

Confessionario en lengua mexicana y


Woodcut illustration on page 40. 9-112, [2] leaves. 8vo, later vellum; lacking

first 24 leaves (provided in facsimile), a few early inked annotations, minor dampstaining,

bound with about 200 heavily cropped leaves of an early edition of Mornay’s Mysterium

Iniquitatis; bookplate of Henry R. Wagner laid in. In modern folding case.

México: Convento Santiago Tlatelolco, por Melchor Ocharte, 1599


A confessional in Spanish and Nahuatl. One of the first books printed at the convent in

Tlatelolco, on the outskirts of México. “Entre los muchos Confesonarios mexicanos que existen,

me parece ser éste el más copioso, y ayuda á conocer las costumbres de los indios en aquellos

tiempos”—García Icazbalceta 1886, 114. Medina, México 152 (issue “A” with errata leaf

in Roman type); Palau 23462; Pilling 226; Sabin 36132; Wagner, Mexican Imprints in the

Huntington 114. Only one other copy known at auction since 1926, sold at Swann, 17

September 2009, lot 325, that copy being yet more defective than the present example.