Swann Galleries - Rare & Important Travel Posters - Sale 2326 - October 18, 2013 - page 123

Lot 156 Continued
In 1925, he turned his attention to Montauk, an area he rightfully regarded as being ripe for
development. He purchased the entire area, almost 10,000 acres, and began developing it. His vision was
singular: he would create “a Miami of the north,” so the wealthy could live by his slogan, “Miami in the
Winter, Montauk in the Summer.” His vast plan included a 200-room luxury hotel (The Manor), golf
courses, a boardwalk, facilities for tennis and polo, archery, fox hunting and much more. He also created
a deep, safe harbor for large yachts by blasting an opening from the freshwater Lake Montauk to the sea.
This poster dates from between 1929 and 1932, which we can deduce from the fact that on October 24,
1935, the
East Hampton Star
Newspaper reported that “The first deluxe Pullman Lounge Cars were put
in service on the Long Island Railroad in 1929.” Also, Fisher was hit by intense financial difficulties after
a hurricane struck his properties in Miami, and then in the crash of 1929. By 1932, he was bankrupt and
his empire had collapsed. This
poster is one of only a few known examples. It is an exceptional
representation of the tail end of the Roaring Twenties.
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