Seussian Advertisements: The Early Work of Theodor Seuss Geisel Swann Galleries is pleased to offer original illustrations by Dr. Seuss–also known as Theodor Geisel–in our January 23, 2014 auction of 20th Century Illustration, including some early advertisements by the beloved children’s book author and artist. Dr. Seuss, The Mortal Enemies, pen and ink, advertisement for Flit insecticide, circa 1930s. Sold January 23, 2014, for $12,800. An early example is a circa 1930s original drawing for one of Seuss’s well known Flit Insecticide advertisements. It depicts two grimacing insects facing off against one another with Flit guns darting from their eyes. This drawing is all the more rare as it does not include the famous tagline, “Quick Henry, the Flit!” and is titled The Mortal Enemies. Dr. Seuss, New Departure Ball Bearings, pen and ink, 1941. Sold January 23, 2014, for $12,500. From the dawn of the Second World War, is a pen and ink advertisement for New Departure Ball Bearings, a division of General Motors. In it, a pipe-smoking man operates a motorized contraption that employs smiling dogs on a treadmill to dig holes. The published ad was captioned, “Mechanization Gets in the Groove.” Interestingly, two of the canines and the harnesses drawn for this ad are similar to those seen in book The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, published 16 years later. Dr. Seuss, All It Needs Is… Holly Sugar, gouache and collage, circa 1950s. There is a superb original gouache for an advertisement—likely a billboard—of a somewhat skeptical-looking goat munching on some Seussian machine parts. The collaged bag of sugar and the accompanying tagline, “All it needs is … Holly Sugar,” suggest a dubious palatability, even for a goat. Geisel executed several adverts for Holly Sugar over the course of many decades. This one is circa 1950s. Dr. Seuss, Botanist with Baby, pen, ink and water, 1929. Predating these advertisements is a rare early published Seuss drawing from 1929 that is signed with his short-lived “Dr. S.” signature. The pen and ink with watercolor, which appeared in Judge magazine, is accompanied by a preliminary pencil sketch. The caption reads “Ups-a-bellis-perennis-leucanthemum!” the Latin version of “Ups-a-Daisy!” Do you have an original work by Dr. Seuss we should look at? Learn about how to consign to an auction, and send us a note about your item. Share Facebook Twitter January 2, 2014Author: Swann CommunicationsCategory: Illustration Art Tags: 20th Century Illustration advertising Dr. Seuss Theodor Geisel Previous The Eighth Wonder of the World: The Brooklyn Bridge Next Judging a Book by Its Cover Recommended Posts Collectors on Collecting: Sam Speigel on Collecting Edward Gorey Art Press & Illustrated Books April 24, 2014 Daffydils: A Cartoon Festschrift Illustration Art November 30, 2017 Of Provenance & Peter Rabbit Illustration Art January 22, 2014