Sale 2561 | Lot 347
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347 •(CHINA)
Album with 25 photographs depicting the walls, temples, city streets, and municipal buildings of Peking (Beijing) as well as the Great Wall of China.
Apparently compiled by an American living in the Legation Quarter, a couple of the images depict this area of the city, others showing major gateways and the walls around the Forbidden City as well as bird's-eye views of city streets, some group portraits of women and children, an image that apparently shows the Emperor coming out of the Imperial City, temples, and more (one caption refers to the "Boxer trouble"). Albumen prints, the images measuring 7¾x10¼ inches (19.7x26 cm.), and slightly smaller, and the reverse, mounted recto only, each with a caption, in white ink, below the image. Oblong folio, lightly worn; tied binding. Circa 1902