Lot 382

An archive with over 120 portraits of pre-WWE Pro-wrestlers striking theatrical poses, photographed by Lil' Al' Vavasseur, the renowned Louisiana wrestling photographer.
Depicting scantily clad wrestlers such as Andre the Giant, Rick Renaldo, a young Tony Atlas ("Mr. USA"), Assassin, Rick Flair, Siki Samoan, Arman Hussian, Sweet Daddy Watts, Suni War Cloud, Baron Karl Von Krupp, Porkchop Cash, the Sito Brothers, Randy Alls, Super Gladiator, The Alaskan, and The Scufflin' Hillbillies. Silver prints (123), the images measuring 10x8 inches (25.4x20.3 cm.), many with Lil' Al's hand stamp and/or printed credit on recto, and each with at least two different Lil' Al hand stamps, some including the date, and notations identifying the wrestlers, in ink, on verso. 1970s
Lil' Al Vavasseur was self-proclaimed the "World's largest supplier of color photos of professional wrestlers." Based in Louisiana, he primarily covered the Southern wrestling scene, photographing events throughout Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Oklahoma.