Page 59 - Sale 2276 part 2 - Autographs

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PEARY, ROBERT E. Autograph Letter Signed “Peary,” to ornithology collector
John Lewis Childs (“Dear Sir”), sending him photographs of his eggs [not present],
explaining why he prefers to have them in the hands of a collector rather than in a
museum, and asking for the name of a “private collector like yourself who might care to
purchase the set.” 4 pages, 8vo, written on a single folded sheet, “The Army and Navy
Club” stationery; last 2 pages written vertically. (AKF)
Washinton, D.C, 18 November 1914
. . . The report of my giving these eggs to the Am. Museum was erroneous. I still have both
I am willing, however, to dispose of one set, & feel that I would rather have the set with
accompanying photos and history of discovery, become the germ of the collection of some private
collector of means, than to be lost in the collections of a great museum. The completeness &
authenticity of the set; its extreme northern latitude; its association with the discovery of the
pole, & the interesting series of accessory photos would seem to entitle it to an unique position.
As your collection already contains such eggs, perhaps you can give me the name of some other
private collector like yourself who might care to purchase the set.”
PIUS VII; POPE. Letter Signed, “Pius P.P. VII.,” to Paola Locatelli Pichi, in Latin,
sending her and her family an Apostolic Benediction, thanking her for her work and
page, 4to, with integral address leaf; folds. Rome, 13 January 1819