Page 42 - Sale 2276 part 2 - Autographs

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FULTON, ROBERT. Autograph Letter Signed, “Rob’t Fulton,” to Joshua Gilpin,
sending a letter from Mr. de la Motte [not present], asking that he send orders or to direct
them to Harre, stating that he plans to remain in France as the plan has been adopted for
the canal from Paris to Dieppe and Cambrai, requesting that an impression of an engraved
plate be sent, planning to visit America in the spring, and in a postscript, promising to
attend to his packet of introductory letters. 2 pages, 4to, with integral address leaf addressed
in his hand; silked on recto and verso, moderate bleed-through, remnants of prior mount-
ing along center vertical fold on terminal page. (AKF)
Paris, 17 September 1798
. . . In Consequence of my plan being adopted for the Canal from Paris to Diepe and
Cambray I have Come to a determination to Continue in france till April or May. . . . You
will therefore be so good as to send me an Impression of the plate . . . directed to Rue Vaugirard
. . . where Mr. Barlen and me now Reside. . . .”