Swann Galleries - Fine Photographs: Icons & Images - Sale 2361 - October 17, 2014 - page 10

“No.19—Cobblers.” Oval hand-tinted albumen print of Chinese Cobblers in Shanghai,
approximately 8x10 inches (20.3x25.4 cm.), with a typed caption affixed to recto. Circa 1860
Saunders depicted itinerant shoemakers, who moved from village to village repairing and fashioning silk,
cotton, and leather shoes for local customers, in his classic style.
DU CAMP, MAXIME (1822-1894)
Group of 6 photographs of Thèbes, Egypt, as well as one from Nubie [Ethiopia]. Salted paper prints
from calotype negatives, each approximately 8x6
inches (20.3x16.5 cm.), or slightly smaller, on
the original mounts, each with Du Camp’s printed credit, the publisher’s credit, location, plate title,
and plate number, on mount recto. 1851
“Karnak, Portique duTemple de Khons,” Pl. 29 (Thèbes) * “Karnak, Propylone duTemple de Khons,”
Pl. 27 (Thèbes) * “Palais de Karnak, Les Obeliques,” Pl. 44 (Thèbes) * “Medinet-Habou, Galeries
du Palais,” Pl. 52 (Thèbes) * “Palais de Karnak, Piliers devant le Sanctuaire de Granit,” Pl. 38
(Thèbes) * “Grand Temple d’Isis, a Philce, Second Pylone,” Pl. 74 (Nubie).
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