Christ Healing the Sick (The Hundred Guilder Print)
Etching, engraving and drypoint, circa 1643-49. 279x388 mm; 11
inches, narrow
margins. Biörklund’s second state (of 2), with the diagonals on the back and neck of the
ass at the far right but before the Baillie rework; Usticke’s fourth state (of 5);White and
Boon’s second state (of 2). Strasburg Lily watermark (Ash/Fletcher 36, for which they note
3 variants of this watermark on impressions of this subject in the Art Institute of Chicago;
Rijksmuseum,Amsterdam; and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NewYork). Ex-collection
Cortland Field Bishop (Lugt supplement 2770b, verso; this impression cited in Lugt).
A brilliant, richly-inked impression, with abundant drypoint, notably on the hat of the
tallest man to the left of Christ, on the turban and the back of the woman holding the
baby before Christ’s outstretched right arm, on Christ’s hair, on the seated woman and
kneeling figure with back turned at Christ’s feet and throughout the figures to the right
of Christ and on the stones in the arch at the far right. Bartsch 74; Biörklund 49-1;
Hollstein (White and Boon) 74.
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