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of the child), and the sphere is the world threatened by war. To add to the drama, Carlu uses photog-
raphy. He was in fact one of the first to use and to fight for the use of photographs in posters.
Originally this image was intended to be shown at the U.A.M. (Union des Artistes Modernes) exhibi-
tion held on February 4, 1932, at the Decorative Arts Museum in Paris. However, the president of the
museum, who was already shocked by the photographic work of The Stenberg Brothers and El Lis-
sitzky (who had been invited to participate in the show), decided to censor Carlu’s poster, and he
withdrew it from the show. The resulting scandal was so tumultuous that the director re-inserted the
poster into the show only two days later. A final historical note: the woman in the photomontage was
Ernest Hemmingway’s first wife. Weill 352, Plakat Kunst p. 193.