Page 57 - Sale 2276 part 2 - Autographs

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NELSON, HORATIO. Autograph Letter Signed, “Horatio Nelson,” to “the
Principal Officers & Commissioners of his Majesty’s Navy,” informing them that he has
been appointed Commodore by Sir John Jervis. 2 pages, 4to, with integral blank; remnants
of prior mounting along center vertical fold on terminal page. (AKF)
“La Minerve, Gibraltar Bay,” 12 December 1796 and 6 January 1797
Being appointed by Sir John Jervis on the 11th day of August last as Commodore with a
Captain under me, which appointment has been approved of by the Admiralty, I beg leave to
acquaint you of it, and that I have drawn a bill this day for 15£ for Stationary being the
allowance for a Junior flag officer, and I shall in due time draw for the same pay, being directed
to enjoy the same allowance by my order to hoist the Pendant.”