Page 23 - Sale 2276 part 2 - Autographs

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SHERMAN, WILLIAM TECUMSEH. Autograph Letter Signed, “W.T.
Sherman / Maj. Gen.,” to Captain Stephen Carr Lyford, expressing concern that his health
may be suffering from swamp poisons, speculating that General Ripley may be jealous of
his commission, suggesting that ordnance officers should be given the same opportunities
for advancement as others, reporting that he has been ordered to reinforce General
Rosencrans, complaining that he lacks an ordnance officer, inviting him to fight at the
front should he long for action, and adding that he would soon be leaving for Memphis. 4
pages, 4to, ruled paper; silking to verso and recto, large closed tear across center vertical
fold. (AKF)
“Camp on Big Black,” 26 September 1863
. . . [Y]our health might have become seriously affected by the Miasmatic Cancer which has
cost us dear . . . . I can’t imagine why Gen’l Ripley should fly up at an offer to you of a major
Commission . . . . Human nature is the same in all Corps, and the ordnance should permit
honor & advancement similar to what is offered in other Branches . . . . We should have a good
ordnance officer with each Army Corps in the field. . . . I am now ordered to reinforce
Rosecrans by way of Memphis, Corinth, Tuscumbia &c & you can imagine that I ought to
havwe a good ornance officer along. But as heretofore will trust to luck. . . . Today for the first
time I am notified my requisitions . . . can be filled tomorrow. But one Division is already on
its way up the River. Another will embark today . . . after this leaving the only chance we are
ever likely to have to put our Batteries in order after . . . two years constant work. . . .
I move to Vicksburg tonight & tomorrow will be starting up for Memphis. & these last by any
means afforded by the Railroad.”
William T. Sherman. Carte-de-visite photograph, unsigned, vignetted bust portrait,
showing the general in uniform. “Genl. Sherman” written in an unknown hand along lower
edge of image. S.M. Fassett’s imprint on mount verso. 3
x2 inches (image), 4x2