Page 22 - Sale 2276 part 2 - Autographs

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PORTER, DAVID DIXON. Autograph Letter Signed, “D.D.Porter,” to his
mother Evelina Anderson Porter, stating that she did not acknowledge a $250 check, spec-
ulating that misfortune will not change [younger brother?] William, reporting that
Vicksburg will soon be taken, and in a postscript, expressing amusement at William’s view
of his position, and expressing his opinion about the value of certain Navy ranks. 2
pages, 8vo, written on a single folded sheet, ruled paper; moderate staining along horizontal
fold (affected text quite legible). (AKF)
Vicksburg, 15 June 1863
. . . I send you our weekly . . . , it will give you all the news. We are fighting terrifically here.
Vicksburg will soon be ours it is a mere question of time. . . . [T]here is no hope for the
The postscript: “. . . I look upon a Commander now as about equal to a Lieutenant.
Commanding in olden times, an admiralship amounts to nothing without pay and the admiral
may get captains pay—a commander gets commander’s pay. . . . I could wash my hands of the
whole concern. I am so sick of any politicians.”