Sale 2532 - 19th & 20th Century Prints & Drawings, March 5, 2020

71 c PAUL CÉSAR HELLEU Quatre Etudes de têtes de jeune femmes. Drypoint printed in dark reddish brown, circa 1900. 292x390 mm; 11 1 / 2 x15 1 / 4 inches, full margins. Signed in pencil, lower left. A very good impression of this scarce print. [1,200/1,800] 72 c PAUL CÉSAR HELLEU Paulette Helleu . Color drypoint, circa 1900. 544x355 mm; 21 3 / 8 x14 inches, full margins. Signed and dedicated in pencil, lower left. A very good impression of this scarce print. We have not found another impression at auction in the past 30 years. Montesquiou LXXI. [2,000/3,000] 73 c PAUL CÉSAR HELLEU Élégante au grand Chapeau et à la Fourrure . Color drypoint, circa 1900. 545x345 mm; 21 1 / 2 x13 3 / 4 inches, full margins. Signed in pencil, lower left. A superb impression. [2,500/3,500] 71 72