Sale 2532 - 19th & 20th Century Prints & Drawings, March 5, 2020

12  JEAN-BAPTISTE-CAMILLE COROT Une Famille à Terracine . Lithograph printed in reddish brown on light tan Chine appliqué , 1871. 261x405 mm; 10 3 / 8 x16 inches, full margins. Edition of approximately 50. Printed by Lemercier & Cie., Paris. Published by Alfred Robaut, Paris, with the blind stamp (Lugt 668g, lower center recto). A superb impression of this extremely scarce lithograph. Corot (1795-1875) made only 15 different lithographs, all toward the end of his career after having f led war-torn Paris in 1870 and taken refuge in the country home of the lithographer Alfred Robaut (1830-1909) in Douai at the far northeast corner of France. The majority of these lithographs by Corot were collected together and issued in a limited edition suite, Douze Croquis , one of the first artist’s portfolios to be marketed as such. The limited edition gave the publication the cachet of scarcity and also ensured uniformly high printing quality, while simultaneously capitalizing on Corot’s position among the most recognized and commercially successful artists of his day. We have found only 5 other impressions at auction in the past 30 years. Delteil 29; Melot 29. [3,000/5,000]