Sale 2528 - African-American Fine Art, January 30, 2020

Her artwork focuses on celebrating the daily life of African Americans with an emphasis on children. Her art illustrated the 1969 children’s book Brown is a Beautiful Color written by Jean Carey Bond. In 1970, after brief ly moving to Croton, NY, Zuber and her family moved to Troy, NY. Zuber exhibited in the 1970 15 Afro-American Women at North Carolina A&T State University and the 1972 A New Vitality in Art: The Black Woman at Mount Holyoke College. She also has exhibited her work at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, the Gibbes Museum of Art, and the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts. In 1999, New York State commissioned Zuber to create the painting for The Adoption Album: Our Children, Our Families poster. [1,000/1,500]