Sale 2528 - African-American Fine Art, January 30, 2020

7 c VALERIE J. MAYNARD (1937 - ) Rufus . Cast “Montizini” plastic, mounted on a wooden base, circa 1961. Approximately 521 mm; 20 1 / 2 inches high (not including the base). Signed and titled in ink on the underside of the neck. Provenance: the Johnson Publishing Company, Inc., Chicago. Illustrated: Ebony , December, 1973, p. 42. According to the magazine description, this cast of Rufus was made after a 1961 carving in stone by the artist. Painter, printmaker, sculptor and educator Valerie Maynard has been included in numerous museum exhibitions, including solo exhibitions at the Beach Institute African American Cultural Center in Savannah, GA and the Hammonds House Museum, Atlanta, GA. Born in Harlem, Maynard studied painting and drawing at the Museum of Modern Art, printmaking at the New School and sculpture at Goddard College, Plainfield, Vermont where she received an MA in 1977. She was also a resident fellow at the MacDowell Colony, Peterborough, NH, and the Women’s Studio Workshop, Rosendale, NY. She taught printmaking and sculpture at the Studio Museum in Harlem, Howard University, Jersey State College, Northeastern University, Baltimore School of the Arts and the College of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas. Extensive profiles are included in Lisa E. Farrington’s 2005 Creating Their Own Image: The History of African-American Women Artists and bell hooks and Leslie King-Hammond’s 1995 Gumbo Ya Ya: Anthology of Contemporary African-American Women Artists . Farringdon pp. 270-272; hooks/King-Hammond pp. 154-156. [3,000/5,000]