Sale 2528 - African-American Fine Art, January 30, 2020

64 c ARTHUR ROLAND (1935 - 2019 ) Backwood Playground . Oil on masonite board, 1971. 1016x762 mm; 40x30 inches. Signed and dated in oil, lower right. Provenance: the Johnson Publishing Company, Inc., Chicago. Detroit-born painter and illustrator Arthur Roland grew up in Birmingham, Alabama in the 1930s and 40s, and later served in the Korean War. Roland studied art at both Wayne State University and the Meinzinger School of the Art, both in Detroit. In 1974, he was listed in the directory of the Chicago Union of Black Artists, and by 1979, he was one of their elected officers. He later taught art at Wayne State Community College in Detroit. According to his memorial web site, his artwork is found in the collections of the Arbor City Hall, the Archdiocese of Detroit, the Carnegie Institute, Howard University, the University of Southern Alabama, the Wayne County Commissioner’s Office and many private collections. [3,000/5,000]