Sale 2528 - African-American Fine Art, January 30, 2020

57 c LESLIE KENNETH PRICE (1945 - ) There’s a Void During the Day, There’s a Void During the Night . Acrylic on cotton canvas, 1971. Approximately 1829x1016 mm; 72x40 inches total dimensions (shaped canvas), 1219 mm; 48 inches each side. Signed and titled in ink on the verso. Provenance: the Johnson Publishing Company, Inc., Chicago. This striking hard-edge, trapezoid-shaped painting is an early work by California painter and ceramicist Leslie Kenneth Price. Born in New York, Price attended the School of the Visual Arts, obtained his BFA in 1969 from the Pratt Institute, and his MFA from Mills College, Oakland, CA in 1971. That year he also was included in Samella Lewis and Ruth Waddy’s survey Black Artists on Art, Volume 2 . Price continues to paint and exhibit today, and has had several recent solo exhibitions including at Piante Gallery, Humboldt State University and the Morris Graves Museum in Eureka, CA. The artist is inspired by nature and paints from memory - “My aim is to make a painting that is dynamic and meditative simultaneously, which is similar to my experience of the source material.” Courtesy of the artist’s website; Lewis/Waddy p. 101 and 138. [3,000/5,000]