Sale 2514 - The Pride Sale, June 20, 2019

105 c JOHN HEYS, editor (1951- ) Gay Power. Group of 11 issues. Photographic illustrations and reproductions; erotic stories and nude photographs, ads, services, personals. Folio, generally 23 pages on newsprint, covers unevenly toned, spine worn and chipped; paper fragile and with scattered chipping and browning. New York: Joel Fabricant, 1969. [1,500/2,500] Containing Volume 1, numbers 1, 8, 14, 15, 16, 47; Volume 2, numbers 1, 7, 12, 19, 43 (? illegible), 46. Self-proclaimed “New York’s first homosexual newspaper,” Gay Power set out to be bold and provocative. “First of all we must approach the subject from within. Whatever examples of gay power have been demonstrated thus far, whether it be through straight media or on the part of homosexuals themselves—it’s either met with some kind of legal or ignorant interference or too one sided a picture has been presented. Variety is the spice of life and Gay Power is by and for all people. A people is what we shall exemplify first not in any ‘half see how far we can get’ subtle way, but in the best entertaining and educational way”—from the mission statement, Volume 1.