Sale 2514 - The Pride Sale, June 20, 2019
95 c ROBERT ARNESON (1930-1992) Striped Penis . Acrylic on canvas, 1968. 34 3 / 4 x27 inches, 88.5x68.5 cm. [3,000/5,000] Known primarily for transforming ceramics into a Contemporary Art medium, Arneson turned the everyday into the absurd in any medium in which he worked. He was a member of the California Pop Art movement known as “Funk Art”, which used humor and irreverence to confront and critique the established art movements of the time. Ex-collection Allan Stone Gallery, New York, with the gallery label on the frame back. 96 c CRAWFORD BARTON (1943-1993) Deep Creek, Mojave. Silver print, the image measuring 13 1 / 4 x9 inches, 33.7x22.9 cm., the sheet 14x11 inches, 35.6x27.9 cm., with Barton’s signature, in ink, in the image, on recto, and his title and date, in pencil, in an unknown hand, on verso. 1967. [600/900] 97 c DUNCAN GRANT (1885-1978) Two Sketches. Lovers , pencil on cream wove envelope. 10x15 inches; 25.5x37.5 cm. circa 1969 * Lovers , pen and ink on cream wove paper. 8x6 3 / 4 inches; 20.2x17.5 cm. [1,200/1,800] Grant, part of the Bloomsbury Group, was a painter, textile and pottery designer and designed sets and costumes for theatrical works. 96 97