Sale 2514 - The Pride Sale, June 20, 2019

51 c HAVELOCK ELLIS (1859-1939) Transcript Signed, a brief review of Alfred Adler’s Das Problem der Homosexualität, with a 2-line holograph addition and other corrections. 2 pages, 4to, written on rectos of separate sheets; pinholes and minor staining at upper left of each, horizontal fold. Np, circa 1930.   [400/600] The review is critical of Adler’s book, concluding with the remark that it is an ill omen that no American has attempted to translate it, adding, in holograph: “Nor does there seem to have been any German demand for a second edition.” “. . . [E]xamination of the book has not supported my favourable attitude. . . . I do not consider it a really good treatment of the subject, and I do not think it would be widely useful to English doctors or patients. . . . “There are two publics to one or both of which a book of this nature should appeal: (1) the medical profession in need of a guide to treatment, and (2) inverts themselves who, although they are not anxious to advertise their existence, are a large and often highly intelligent body. . . .” with — Two items: Berthold Laufer. Ein homo­ sexuelles Bild aus China in Anthropophyteia; Jahrbücher für Folkloristische Erhebungen und Forschungen zur Entwicklunggeschichte der geschlechtlichen Moral. Vol. VI. 162-166 pages. Small 4to, wrappers, staple binding. Leipzig, 1909 * Leaflet: “‘Urania’ / (anciennement ‘Inversions’) / Revue de l’homosexualité . . . .” 1 page, 8vo. [Paris, 1925]. 50 51