Sale 2496 - Maps & Atlases, Natural History & Color Plate Books, December 13, 2018

58 c   DES BARRES, JOSEPH FRED- ERICK WALLET. A Chart of the Coast of New York, New Jersey, Pensilvania, Maryland,Virginia, North Carolina, &c. Large stipple and engraved chart on 3 sheets of joined laid paper, each bearing “JBates” watermarks. 63 1 / 2 x31 1 / 2 inches overall, wide margins; original wash color refreshed; archi- vally lined on verso stabilizing several cracks and creases; an attractive example. London: J.F.W. Des Barres, March 1st, 1780 [18,000/22,000] From the “Atlantic Neptune”, Des Barres’ monumental mariner’s atlas, this is the finest 18th-century chart of the middle Atlantic coast, extending from Long Island to the Outer Banks. Stevens 145B. 59 c   ELDRIDGE, GEORGE. New Chart of Vineyard Sound and Nantucket Shoals. Large-scale engraved chart with points of hand-color. 26x54 inches overall; restored and backed on modern linen. Boston: S. Thaxter & Son, 1902 [1,000/1,500] 59 60 c   ELDRIDGE, GEORGE. Group of three large lithographed coastal charts. Each backed on linen as issued with publisher’s labels and advertisements pasted to versos; touches of hand-color; appropriate age toning, scattered light soiling, a few small surface abrasions. Boston, 1901, 1902, 1904 [1,500/2,500] Chart B - New London to Gay Head. Two sheets joined, 28 1 / 2 x50 inches. Showing Montauk Point, Block Island, and Newport. * Chart D - Massachusetts Bay and the Coast from Chatham to Gloucester. Two sheets joined, 57 1 / 2 x32 inches. Showing Cape Cod’s hook, Duxbury, and Boston. * Chart E - Gloucester to Entrance to Kennebeck River. Two sheets joined, 69x24 3 / 4 inches. Showing Cape Ann, Portsmouth, Kennebunkport, and Portland, ME. 60