Sale 2496 - Maps & Atlases, Natural History & Color Plate Books, December 13, 2018

363 c   HILL, JOHN, engraver; after SAMUEL JONES and JOHN LOUIS KRIMMELL. The Conflagration of the Masonic Hall, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Hand-colored aquatint on heavy stock. 25 3 / 4 x 21 inches sheet size; light toning; later state. Philadelphia: William Smith, 1819 [but circa 1862 or after] [1,000/1,500] 364 c   HILL, JOHN WILLIAM; and SMITH, BENJAMIN FRANCIS. Philadelphia, from Camden - 1850. Large tinted lithograph with additional hand-coloring. 27x41 1 / 2 inches; upper margin replaced with portions of border line reinstated, several repaired tears and restorations, publisher’s imprint partially abraded, archivally lined on verso. New York: Smith Brothers & Co., 1850 [1,200/1,800] 365 c   ( JAPAN.) Shipwreck of the Wakamiya Maru. Ink and watercolor manuscript scroll on 8 sheets of thin paper joined. 9x50 1 / 4 inches; minor worm track, right-most panel lined on verso. Japan, Bunka 1 (1804) [600/900] Manuscript scroll relating portions of the story of the Japanese crew of the Wakamiya-Maru, a ship who came off her course in 1793 and was stranded in the North Pacific Ocean. The sailors were rescued by Russian officials and taken to Siberia, where they remained for many years. Eventually the crew was taken to St. Petersburg for an audience with the Tsar and several of the men returned to Japan as part of the Rezanov Embassy. The Tsar’s Imperial Standard is seen flying above the fortification at the right. 364 365