Sale 2496 - Maps & Atlases, Natural History & Color Plate Books, December 13, 2018

28 c   (CELESTIAL.) Cassini, Giovanni Maria. Planisfero Celeste Settentrionale * Planisfero Celeste Meridionale. Together two double-page engraved celestial charts. 17x23 inches each sheet size, wide margins; original hand-color; foxing contained to margins, easily matted out to make an attractive presentation. Rome, 1790 [300/500] 29 29 c   (CELESTIAL.) Cellarius, Andreas. Haemisphaerium Stellatum Boreale Antiqum. Double-page engraved celestial chart representing the classical constellations of the northern sky. 19 3 / 4 x23 inches sheet size, wide margins; original hand-color in full, stars accented in gold; slight marginal soiling, two short closures within image barely perceptible from recto. Amsterdam, 1661 [2,500/3,500]