Sale 2496 - Maps & Atlases, Natural History & Color Plate Books, December 13, 2018

332 c   (CIVIL WAR.) Prang, Louis; after Thure de Thulstrup and J.O. Davidson. Prang’s War Pictures. 12 (of 18) chromolithographed plates tipped onto original printed cards. Image sizes approximately 15x21 1 / 2 inches; mount sizes approximately 21 1 / 2 x27 1 / 2 inches; occasional light surface wear, three images with small repairs and areas of inpainting, card mounts with varying degrees of edge chipping but generally good, Alatoona plate tipped to a later card with manuscript lettering. Boston: L. Prang & Co., 1886-1888 [1,500/2,500] Dramatic visuals of the most important events in the American conflict are brought out by Prang’s secret “Aquarelle Facsimile Print” process. In a small prospectus Prang printed to accompany the series he unabashedly informs: “These pictures constitute the first illustrations, in colors, ever issued in America on this subject, and their superiority over black and white prints, in illustrating military scenes, is at once apparent; for the flags and the uniforms of officers and troops are vividly reproduced, the fire and smoke of battle graphically portrayed, and all the surroundings represented in colors of nature and of actual war”. The series was well approved and received endorsements from many major Civil War heroes. The present group comprises: Kearsarge and Alabama. Hauling Down the Flag * Battle of Gettysburg. Repulse of Pickett’s Charge * Battle of Alatoona Pass * Capture of Fort Fisher. Charge of Marines on the Traverse * Battle of Shiloh. The Hornet’s Nest * Battle of Fredericksburg. Laying Ponton Bridges Under Fire * Siege of Vicksburg. The Assault on Fort Hill * Battle of Antietam. Advance Upon Rebel Centre at Dunker Church * Battle of Spottsylvania. The Bloody Angle * Battle of Mobile Bay. Passing Fort Morgan and the Torpedoes * Capture of New Orleans. Farragut Passing the Forts by Night * Monitor and Merrimac. First Fight Between Ironclads. 331 330 c   CHATELAIN, HENRI. Group of 28 double-page or folding plates from Atlas Historique, many with engraved figures, scenes, coins and tables. Folio sheets; condition generally fine. Amsterdam, circa 1730 [300/500] 331 c   CHURCH, FREDERIC EDWIN. The Heart of the Andes. Engraving after Church’s masterpiece South American landscape painting. 20 3 / 4 x31 inches sheet size, wide margins; cleaned and deacidi- fied; attractive contemporary Eastlake-style wood and gilt frame. New York, London and Paris, 1862 [1,200/1,800] 330