Sale 2496 - Maps & Atlases, Natural History & Color Plate Books, December 13, 2018

244 c   (JAPAN.) Eidai Setsuyo Tenga Zo. Profusion of woodblock maps and prints (many double-page, approximately 10 color- printed), extensive text. Small 4to format, 10x7 inches, original sewn yellow wrappers with printed paper label on upper cover, spine caps consolidated with patterned silk, moderate wear but nice; only the slightest worming at the earliest section. Japan, Bunkyu 4 (1863) [700/1,000] A massive Edo-period Japanese atlas and encyclopedia including two double-page hemispheric world maps, a four-page contiguous map of Japan, a climber’s map of Mt. Fuji, and detailed double- page plans of Edo, Osaka, and Kyoto. Japanese history, dress, money, weapons, theater, food and drink, mathematics, games and samurai are just a few of the cultural aspects recorded in this enormous and remarkable volume.