Sale 2496 - Maps & Atlases, Natural History & Color Plate Books, December 13, 2018

202 c   SPEED, JOHN. A New and Accurat Map of the World. Double-page, double- hemispheric decorative world map. 16 1 / 2 x21 1 / 4 inches sheet size, ample margins, English text on verso; hand-colored in full; lower centerfold strengthened on verso; an attractive example. Shirley 317. London: Bassett and Chiswell, 1676 [6,000/9,000] 203 c   SPEED, JOHN. The Province of Connaugh with the Citie of Galwaye Described. Double-page engraved map of western Ireland. 16 1 / 2 x21 1 / 2 inches sheet size, ample margins, English text on verso; centerfold reinforced on verso. London: Sudbury & Humble, 1612 or after [300/500] with : Another example of the same from the 1676 Bassett and Chiswell edition; wide margins, clean. 204 c   (SWITZERLAND.) Blaeu, Willem. Group of 5 hand-colored double-page engraved maps of the mountain and lake regions of Switzerland. Approximately 18 1 / 2 x22 1 / 2 inches each sheet size, wide margins, French text on verso; some skilled marginal repairs, one extending slightly into upper image with minor ink reinstatement. Amsterdam, circa 1640 [600/900] comprising : Helvetia, cum Finitimis Regionibus Confoederatis * Alpinae seu Foederatae Rhaetiae Subditarumque ei Terrarum Nova Descriptio * Das Wiflispurgergow * Argow cum Parte Merid Zurichgow * Zurichgow et Basiliensis Provincia. 202