Sale 2496 - Maps & Atlases, Natural History & Color Plate Books, December 13, 2018

188 c   ROSEWATER, ANDREW. Map of Douglas and Sarpy Counties, Neb. Large lithographed four-sheet pocket map joined as two. 39 1 / 2 x23 inches each section size; folding into publisher’s 12mo format gilt cloth case; some separations along folds. Omaha: Boggs and Hill, 1878 [1,200/1,800] Large and detailed map of the vicinity of Omaha, Nebraska bounded by the Platte and Missouri Rivers. 189 c   ROSSI, GIOVANNI GIACOMO de; after SANSON, GUILLAUME. L’America Settentrionale. Double-page engraved map of North America with California as and island. 19x24 inches sheet size, wide margins; light staining. Burden 491, first state. Rome, 1677 [800/1,200] 187 189