Sale 2496 - Maps & Atlases, Natural History & Color Plate Books, December 13, 2018

9 c   BEW, JOHN. A New Map or Chart in Mercator’s Projection of the Western or Atlantic Ocean, with Part of Europe, Africa and America. Engraved chart of the Atlantic Ocean after William Herbert from the October 1781 Political Magazine. 16 1 / 2 x21 inches sheet size, narrow margins; hand-colored in outline; issued folding, now flattened, archivally lined on verso stabilizing a few fold separations, very edge of upper left corner restored. London, [1781] [300/500] 10 c   BLAEU,WILLEM. Virginiae Partis Australis, et Floridae Partis Orientalis. Double- page engraved map of the American southeast. 19 1 / 2 x22 3 / 4 inches sheet size, wide margins, French text on verso; original hand-color in outline; sheet toned with a few occasional spots, small closed split at upper centerfold. Burden 253, longitudinal sequence at lower right is numbered incorrectly 298, 299, 200, second state. Amsterdam, 1640 or after [600/900] 10 9