Sale 2496 - Maps & Atlases, Natural History & Color Plate Books, December 13, 2018

147 (verso) 147 c   (NEW YORK CITY.) Lloyd, H.H. 40 Miles Around New York. Large hand-colored engraved pocket map of New York’s metropolitan region. 33x29 inches sheet size, wide margins; issued folding now flat, minor browning along a few fold lines, otherwise preserved extremely well. New York, 1867 [600/900] double - sided with : H. H. Lloyd’s New Map of the Metropolis, Including the Cities of New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken, &c. printed on verso. 148 c   (NEWYORK CITY.) Niflot, A. Fire Chart of the Borough of Manhattan, NY. A Useful Map for Members of the Fire Department, Fire Insurance Agents, Real Estate Men, etc. Large engraved map of Manhattan on 2 sheets joined with additional color printing in red. 21x85 inches; conserved and mounted to modern canvas. New York: Dr. B. Niflot, 1915 [1,000/1,500] “The number of red dots in each block indicate the total number of fires on the respective sides of the blocks which occurred in Manhattan (from the Battery to West 190th Street) in the years 1910, 1911 and 1912”. Haskell, Manhattan Maps, 1790.