Sale 2495 - Illustration Art, December 6, 2018

21 c RITA FAVA. “The Cat Dodgers vs. The Felines.” Pen, ink, and gouache on board. 165x699 mm; 6 1 / 2 x27 1 / 2 inches, on 7x29 1 / 4 -inch board. Signed in lower right image. Taped to window matte. [400/600] 22 c WANDA GAG. The Poisoned Apple. Detailed study for page 32 of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (New York: Coward McCann, 1938). Pen and ink on onionskin paper. 248x216 mm; 9 3 / 4 x8 1 / 2 inches. Signed in lower right margin and captioned “Preliminary for SnowWhite, page 32.” Tipped to window matte and archivally framed and glazed. [5,000/7,500] 21 22