Sale 2489 - Artists & Amateurs: Photographs & Photobooks, October 18, 2018

414 c   DAIDOMORIYAMA. Shashin yo Sayonara [Goodbye Photography, Dear]. Illustratedwith full-page gravure reproductions of Moriyama’s powerful photographs. 4to, printed wrappers; printed dust jacket, lightly worn. Roth 218; Parr/Badger I 298; Hasselblad 290; Auer 543. FIRST EDITION. (Tokyo): Shashinhyoron-sha, (1972) [3,000/4,500] 415 c   KEN OHARA. One. Generously illustrated with reproductions of tightly-framed faces of New Yorkers. Thick 4to, photo-pictorial stiff wrappers; photo- pictorial dust jacket, spine lightly worn. Parr/ Badger I 291; Auer 515. FIRST EDITION. Tokyo, Japan: Tsukiji Shokan, 1970 [700/1,000] 414 415