Sale 2489 - Artists & Amateurs: Photographs & Photobooks, October 18, 2018

330 c   (PICTORIALISM) Group of 10 photographs by the Cleveland- based photographer Zoltan Herczegh. With artful views of the city, including three shot at night. Bromide prints, the images measuring 11x9 to 12 1 / 2 x9 1 / 4 inches (27.9x22.9 to 31.8x23.5 cm.), the mounts 15x12 inches (38.1x30.5 cm.), 9 with the photographer’s signature and title on mount recto, and each with his signature, address, technical and/or exhibition notations on mount verso; a few with exhibition labels on mount verso; one duplicate. 1929-48 [1,200/1,800] Acquired from Christie’s East, May 16, 1980, lot 507; to a Private New York Collector. 331 c   JOHN S. JOHNSTON (1830s?-1899) Elevated Railroad, Bowery from Chatham St., N.Y.C. Albumen print, the image measuring 6 1 / 4 x8 inches (15.9x20.3 cm.), the mount slightly larger, with the title, in ink, in a period hand, on mount recto. Circa 1890   [600/900] From the Estate of Kenneth Silverman, a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer. 330 331