Sale 2489 - Artists & Amateurs: Photographs & Photobooks, October 18, 2018

324A c   (COLLAGE ALBUM) Albumentitled LaBelle Bowling Banquet at theDells with 64 hand-painted and photographic collages of “friends, fellow workers, barf lies, and home talent hecklers.” The album, authored and composed by Samuel Sye, depicts his colleagues and coworkers (of an apparent Steel company) as good-humored and banterful caricatures. The corporate bunch are shown performing habitual routines with lighthearted attention drawn to their unique foibles. Beer-drinking is a dominant theme, along with gambling, dancing, fishing, and more. Gouache illustrations with affixed silver print elements (90), overall each measuring 14x11 inches (35.6x27.9 cm.), with identifying names and humorous captions, in gouache, on recto. 4to, brown leatherette; ties. 1939 [2,500/3,500]