Sale 2489 - Artists & Amateurs: Photographs & Photobooks, October 18, 2018

319 c   (PHOTOGRAPHER’S BUSINESS CARD) New Haven, Connecticut photographer Charles Homan’s business card, with his printed slogan “Photographs and Ambrotypes of Every Style, Made in the Best Manner.” Oval albumen print, the image measuring 1 1 / 2 x2 inches (3.8x51. cm.), the mount or card 2 1 / 2 x4 inches (5.7x10.2 cm.), and Homan’s name, address, and additional information printed on mount recto. Circa 1860 [1,000/1,500] 319 320 c   (SPIRIT PHOTOGRAPHY—Albert von Schrenck-Notzing) Suite of 6 “f lashlight photographs” by Albert von Schrenck-Notzing, taken during a séance with the infamous medium Eva Carrière. Depicting the spiritualist spewing liquid ectoplasm and captured during her intense efforts to conjure spirits of the dead, seen as small faces in and around the ectoplasm. Silver prints, the images measuring 5x3 inches (12.7x7.6 cm.), and slightly smaller. Circa 1911   [3,000/4,500] Carrière claimed that she had developed her mediumship ability after the death of her fiancé. While believed completely genuine by Shrenck-Notzing and Arthur Conan Doyle, other psychic investigators had their doubts. It is now thought that Carriere and her lover, Juliette Bisson, worked in fraudulent collaboration. They used fake ectoplasm created from the French magazine Le Miroir , and heavily eroticized their performances in an effort to trick the primarily male séance audiences. 320