Sale 2486, Part I - The Harold Holzer Collection of Lincolniana, September 27, 2018
76 c (PHOTOGRAPHY.) Group of 34 cartes-de-visites of Lincoln and his family. Each about 4 x 2 1 / 2 inches, various conditions. Vp, 1861-65 and undated [500/750] Includes 9 different printings of the 1864 Brady portrait of Abraham and Tad Lincoln (Ostendorf O-93), with a variety of captions and backmarks * “The Last Likeness Taken of the President and his son Thaddeus” (O-114), 1865 * 12 photographs of Mary Todd Lincoln, various poses and backmarks * A jugate portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, cameos on a special mount. Providence, RI: A.E. Alden, undated * 3 photographs of engravings of “Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln” * 9 photographs of various engravings of the Lincoln family. Detailed list available by request. 77 c (PHOTOGRAPHY.) Group of 13 stereoviews of scenes relating to Lincoln and the war. Each about 3 1 / 2 x 7 inches; various conditions. Vp, 1865-71 and undated [300/400] Includes stereoscopic views of the Cooper Union building, the Soldiers’ Home, a Lincoln funerary arrangement, Fort Sumter, the Gettysburg cyclorama, the signers of the 13th Amendment, Lincoln statues by Vinnie Ream and Thomas Ball, Carpenter’s “Lincoln and his Cabinet” painting, and more. A more detailed list is available upon request. 78 c (PHOTOGRAPHY.) Group of 4 Lincoln glass slides. Various sizes and conditions. Vp, undated [300/400] Glass-plate copy negative of an 1860 Hesler portrait (Ostendorf O-26), 3 x 4 1 / 4 inches * Glass plate of an 1864 Brady portrait (O-83) printed by E. & H.T. Anthony, 3 1 / 4 x 4 inches * Glass plate of another 1864 Brady portrait (O-92), 3 1 / 4 x 4 inches, uncredited * Hand-colored lantern slide of the Currier & Ives “Freedom to the Slaves” lithograph, 3 inches round in 4 x 7-inch wood frame. 79 c (PHOTOGRAPHY.) Group of 8 Lincoln-related cartes-de-visite: his artists, his sculptures, and related views. Each about 4 x 2 1 / 2 inches, various conditions. Vp, 1865-71 and undated [400/600] Includes a photograph of sculptor Lavinia “Vinnie” Ream and another of her United States Capitol statue of Lincoln, both with her 1871 copyright backmark * Another of Boston artist Thomas M. Johnston (who painted Lincoln in 1860), with undated Marshall & Co. Boston backmark * Photograph of Leonard Volk’s bust of Lincoln * Photograph of an engraving of the interior of Independence Hall * Photograph of the Patent Office, which hosted the 1865 Inaugural Ball, and now houses the National Portrait Gallery * “President Lincoln’s First Home in Illinois,” photograph of an engraving, mounted on scrapbook paper rather than a card mount. Chicago: J.L. Campbell, 1865 * “The Home of President Lincoln, Spring field, Ill.,” carte-sized engraving. 78