Sale 2472 - African-American Fine Art, April 5, 2018
B I B L I O G R A P H Y Bearden, Romare, and Harry Henderson. A History of African-American Artist: From 1792 to the Present. NewYork: Pantheon Books, 1993. Berry, Ian and Lauren Haynes. AlmaThomas . NewYork: De;Monico Books, 2016. Binstock, Jonathan P. Sam Gilliam:A Retrospective . Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2005. Canterbury, Patricia Sue, Beauford Delaney. Minneapolis, MN: Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 2005. Corlett, Mary Lee. From Process to Print: GraphicWorks by Romare Bearden. Petaluma, CA: Pomegranate Communications, 2009. Delmez, Kathryn E. Carrie MaeWeems:Three Decades of Photography andVideo. Nashville,TN: Frist Center for theVisual Arts, 2012. Driskell, David C., and Leonard Simon. Two Centuries of Black American Art. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1976. Earle, Susan. Aaron Douglas :African American Modernist. New Haven:Yale University Press, 2007. Fine, Ruth. The Art of Romare Bearden, 1911-1988. Washington, DC:The National Gallery of Art, in association with Harry N.Abrams, Inc., NewYork, 2003. Fine, Ruth. Norman Lewis. Procession:The Art of Norman Lewis. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and University of California Press, 2015. Gedeon, Lucinda Heyel. Introduction to theWork of CharlesW. White with a Catalogue Raisonne. Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, 1981. Gelburd, Gail and Alex Rosenberg. A Graphic Odyssey: Romare Bearden as Printmaker. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, in association withThe Council of Creative Projects, NewYork, 1992. Hanzal, Carla M. Lois Mailou Jones:A Life inVibrant Color. Mint Museum of Art, 2009. Heydt, Stephanie Mayer. Rising Up: HaleWoodruff’s Murals at Talladega College. Atlanta High Museum of Art, 2012. Herzog, Melanie Anne. Elizabeth Catlett:An American Artist in Mexico. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2000. Ittman, John. DoxThrash,An African-American Master Printmaker Rediscovered. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, in association with the University ofWashington Press, Seattle and London, 2001. King-Hammond, Leslie. Hughie Lee-Smith. San Fransico: Pomegranate, 2010. King, Roger. Edward M. Bannister:A Centennial Retrospective. Newport, RI: Roger King Gallery of Fine Art, 2001 Leeming, David. Amazing Grace:A Life of Beauford Delaney. NewYork: Oxford University Press, 1998. Lewis, Samella. African American Art and Artist. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2003. Lewis, Samella. Barthé: His Life in Art. Los Angeles, CA: UnityWorks, 2009 Marley,Anna O. Henry OssawaTanner: Modern Spirit. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 2012. Mosby, Dewey F. Henry OssawaTanner. Philadelphi: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1991. Nesbett, Peter T. Jacob Lawrence,The Complete Prints (1963-2000). Seattle: Francine Seders Gallery Ltd., in association with University ofWashington Press, Seattle and London, 2001.