Sale 2471 - Printed & Manuscript African Americana, March 29, 2018
80 c (ART.) Covarrubias, Miguel. Negro Drawings. 56 (of 57) plates, 8 of them in color, plus an original signed drawing of a male head bound in as issued. [22] pages. 4to, publisher’s cloth gilt, minor wear; lack- ing final plate, 4 other plates damaged; #11 of 100; inked stamps of the Honolulu Labor Canteen on pastedowns. NewYork, 1927 [600/900] 81 c (ART.) The Evolution of Afro- American Artists: 1800-1950. Photo offset poster featuring Charles White’s “Juba 1,” 30 1 / 2 x 23 inches, after an original lithograph made in 1965. New York: City University, 16 October 1967 [800/1,200] An exhibit poster incorporating one of Charles White’s best-known lithographs. 80 81