Sale 2471 - Printed & Manuscript African Americana, March 29, 2018

358 359 358 c   (SPORTS—BOXING.) Gravure portrait of early champion Peter Jack- son. Gravure, 37 1 / 2 x 27 1 / 2 inches with very wide margins, platemark 25 x 18 1 / 2 inches; worn outside platemark with several closed tears, uneven toning and a 3-inch area of loss, minimal wear within platemark beyond light foxing. Vienna: Cadbury Jones and Fishel, Adler & Schwartz, 1894 [500/750] The great 19th-century boxer Peter Jackson (1861-1901) was born on St. Croix in the Dan- ish West Indies to Jamaican parents, was raised in Australia, and gained his greatest fame during long stints in America. Though denied a shot at the heavyweight title by the color bar, he was recognized as the “colored champion,” and once fought future champion James Corbett to a brutal 61-round draw. This print is done from a painting of Jackson by A.D. Baston, and also includes his facsimile signature and an engraved insignia from his athletic club. 359 c   (SPORTS—BOXING.) Carved wooden relief portrait of Joe Louis, titled “The Champ by Brown.” Carved wood, 14 x 10 1 / 4 inches, lightly painted. Np, undated [500/750]