Sale 2471 - Printed & Manuscript African Americana, March 29, 2018

16 c   (SLAVERYANDABOLITION.)Kimball,MyronH.; photo- grapher. Wilson Chinn, a Branded Slave from Louisiana. Albumen carte-de-visite photograph, 3 1 / 2 x 2 inches, on original photographer’s mount; faint crease and light soiling in image. New York: George H. Hanks, 1863 [2,000/3,000] Chinn is depicted with “Instruments of Torture used to Punish Slaves,” including shackles, a nail-studded paddle, and a brutal spiked collar. A brand- ing mark is visible on his forehead. This disturbing image was produced as a fundraiser by the colonel of the 18th Infantry Regiment, Corps d’Afrique, as stated on verso: “The nett proceeds from the sale of these Photographs will be devoted exclusively to the education of colored people in the Department of the Gulf, now under the command of Maj. Gen. Banks.” 2 copies in OCLC.