Sale 2468 - Early Printed, Medical, Scientific & Travel Books, March 8, 2018

189 c PHILO JUDAEUS. Lucubrationes omnes quotquot haberi potuerint. Latin translation by SigismundGelenius.[8],870,[58] pages,including blank 2i4.8vo,156x105mm,old limp vellum,missing upper half of backstrip and portions of rear cover;contents toned,gatherings inmiddleof volume shaved along edges,title soiledwithpartly scored inscriptions,scatteredminor stains, early underscoring and marginalia; crude ink decorations on top, fore, and bottom edges. Lyon: Maurice Roy & Louis Pesnot, 1555 [250/350] Collected edition in Latin first published the year before. This edition not in Hoffmann. 190 c PLAUTUS, TITUS MACCIUS. Ex Plauti comediis XX. [14], 284 leaves. 4to, 197x136 mm, late 18th-century red straight-grain morocco, spine darkened, chipped at top; occasional marginal browning. 19th-century armorial bookplate of James Manning of Lincoln Inn; ownership inscription of Ronald MacDonald dated 1881. (Venice: House of Aldus and Andrea of Asola, July 1522) [400/600] only aldine edition . Renouard, page 94(2); Ahmanson-Murphy 211. 191 c PLINIUS SECUNDUS, GAIUS CAECILIUS, attributed to. De li homini illustri. 6 woodcut geographical and astronomical diagrams in text; full- page primitive world map; printer’s large woodcut device at end. [104] leaves. 4to, 205x136 mm, 17th-century vellum boards, recased, endpapers renewed; marginal foxing and soiling through most of volume, restoration in blank outer margin of first 6 leaves, scattered early marginalia, dark stains on D4 and N1-3. (Siena: Simone Nardi, 30 March 1506) [1,500/2,500] first edition in italian of De viris illustribus urbis Romae, a collection of biographies of Roman notables ascribed to Pliny the Younger . Harvard/Mortimer-Italian 534; Sander 5767. 191