Sale 2468 - Early Printed, Medical, Scientific & Travel Books, March 8, 2018

55 56 55 c [CRESSWELL, JOSEPH, formerly attributed to.] Vando y Leyes del Rey Iacobo de Inglaterra contra la Fe Católica con su Respuesta y Advertencias al Letor [sic] . . . traduzidas del Latín . . . por D. B. de Cleremond [pseud.]. [1] (of [2]), 105, [3] leaves; lacks initial blank. 4to, 193x140 mm, old limp vellum with spine and front cover titles in ink and remnants of thong ties; dark stain in upper outer corner of opening leaves. Mexican Jesuit ownership inscription on title; branded ownership mark of the SeminarioConciliar deMéxico on top edges. [Madrid: Luis Sánchez(?), 1611] [400/600] first edition in spanish of the anti-Catholic proclamation of 2 June 1610 by King James I of England, together with commentary refuting it. Allison & Rogers I, 280.1; Palau 351557; Shaaber C414. 56 c (CROCE, GIULIO CESARE.) Bios tou Bertoldinou yiou tou panourgou Bertoldou kai ai geloiotatai aftou aplotites. Woodcut title vignette and 5 text illustrations. 92 pages. 8vo, 172x108 mm, later 19th- century cloth, contemporary decorated paper wrappers bound in; minor dampstaining in corners at beginning and end, 19th-century scrawls and doodles inside wrappers. Stamp of the scholar and rabbi Moses Gaster (1856- 1939) on title. Venice:Nikolaos Glykys,1818 [400/600] Scarce Greek chapbook on the escapades of the simpleton Bertoldino, derived from writings by Croce (1550-1609).