Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

79 79 c JOSEF SUDEK (1896-1976) Kampa—Diffused Light Effect * Kampa at Night.   Together 2 silver prints, the images measuring 4 5 / 8 x6 1 / 4 inches (10.6x15.9 cm.), the sheets slightly larger, the first with Sudek’s signature and each with his notations H-I and 9/12, with a stylus, on recto. Circa 1945-60 [4,000/6,000] From the Collection of Jan Šampalík, Sudek’s friend; to the Present Owner. 80 c ELSE THALEMANN (1901-1984) Industrie-Ruhrgebiet (The Industrial Ruhr Region). Silver print, the image measuring 8 3 / 4 x7 5 / 8 inches (22.2x19.4 cm.), the sheet slightly larger, with a typed credit and title label, on verso. 1920s [2,000/3,000] 80