Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

70 c WEEGEE [ARTHUR FELLIG] (1899-1968) What do Wear. Ferrotyped silver print, the image measuring 13 1 / 8 x10 1 / 2 inches (33.3x26.7 cm.), the sheet slightly larger, with a Credit Photo by Weegee hand stamp and a typed caption label on verso; a Marcuse Pfeifer Gallery label is affixed to the obverse of the lower mat. Circa 1941 [1,800/2,200] From the Marcuse Pfeifer Gallery, New York; to a Private Collector, in the 1970s. 71 c ANDRÉ KERTÉSZ (1894-1985) Satiric Dancer. Silver print, the image measuring 9 3 / 4 x7 3 / 4 inches (24.8x19.7 cm.), the sheet slightly larger, with Kertész’s signature, notation Paris, and date, in pencil, and unidentified handwritten notations, also in pencil, on verso. 1926; printed 1970s [4,000/6,000] From the Simon Lowinsky Gallery, California; to a Private Midwestern Collector, in 1980; to a Private Collector, in 2016. Corkin, ed., André Kertész, A Lifetime of Perception (Harry N. Abrams), p. 243. Greenough, André Kertész (Princeton University Press), p. 47. Phillips, André Kertész: Of Paris and New York (Art Institute of Chicago), p. 25. 70 71