Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

68 c WILHELM VON GLOEDEN (1856-1931) Group of 3 photographs of nude male figures posing “en plein air” in Taormina, Sicily. Albumen prints, the images measuring approximately 9x7 3 / 4 inches (22.9x19.7 cm.), each with Von Gloeden’s numeric notations, in blue crayon, and his hand stamp, on verso. Circa 1900 [3,000/4,500] 69 c HORST P. HORST (1906-1999) Study of a handsome man. Silver print, the image measuring 9 3 / 4 x7 3 / 4 inches (24.8x19.7 cm.), the sheet slightly larger, with numeric notations in the negative and Horst’s signature, in pencil, on verso. Circa 1940s [3,000/4,500] 68 69