Sale 2466 - Icons & Images: Photographs & Photobooks, February 15, 2018

64 c LEWIS W. HINE (1874-1940) Laborer on connector, Empire State Building. Silver contact print, the image measuring 4 3 / 4 x3 5 / 8 inches (12.1x9.1 cm. ), the sheet slightly larger, with Hine’s Interpretive Photography, Hastings-on- Hudson hand stamp and a numeric notation, in pencil, on verso. 1930-31   [10,000/15,000] Hine, Men at Work (Macmillan Company), front cover. Kaplan, Photo Story, Selected Letters and Photographs of Lewis W. Hine (Smithsonian Institution Press), unpaginated. Langer, Lewis W. Hine, The Empire State Building (Prestel Publishers), p. 88. Steinorth, ed., Lewis Hine, Passionate Journey, Photographs 1905-1937 (Edition Stemmle), p. 200.